In the fast-paced environment business is in today it becomes increasingly complex to stay relevant. Nova Reperta Innovation helps you to differentiate and look for opportunities outside of your core business.
We go way beyond great ideas
As Nova Reperta Innovation we combine the strengths of management consulting with collaborative innovation to serve as a trusted innovation partner throughout the innovation journey from strategy to delivery & implementation. We systematically tackle each type of innovation challenge or opportunity by observing the problem, running an informed ideation to generate new solutions and business
Your pains mapped out
Explore new opportunities
Nova Reperta will guide you in the discovery of new offerings that meet client needs.
Define innovation strategy
Nova Reperta will scan your organisation’s innovation efforts, and help you define priorities for the future.
Set-up your innovation engine
Nova Reperta will set-up innovation processes and mechanisms that make innovation a streamlined operation.
Co-create with others
Nova Reperta can design and orchestrate your open innovation efforts, from partnerships to full-fledge innovation ecosystems.
Deliver innovation with impact
Nova Reperta can help you bring your testing, prototyping and PoC efforts to anew level.
Validate innovation projects
Nova Reperta can de-risk your innovation efforts, and increase the probability of your innovation success.
Increase innovation capabilities
Nova Reperta can train your colleagues and help them develop crucial skills that help them innovate.

Our process
Throughout different phases of innovation journey are opportunities to partner with Nova Reperta Innovation.
Step 1
Map: Innovation strategy
Mapping your organisation’s innovation challenges and defining an actionable innovation strategy and roadmap to move forward.
Step 2
Mark: Innovation practice
Implement your innovation strategy by embedding a shared Innovation Practice. We equip you with the right innovation processes, frameworks, tools and capabilities for innovation to thrive.
Step 3
Move: Innovation delivery
Move to a new level by taking action on your innovation objectives and delivering on the key activities that will take your business forward.
Your next move
Look beyond your current business activities & quickly act on new opportunities for value-creation